Want to know your purpose?

I feel you. 

I spent years searching for my purpose, hoping for a clue and hoping that it would suddenly fix my life. It’s not until I finally got the BRAVE to walk my path that it got clear.

And then there was that moment… 

I’m in meditation and I’m being asked, “why am I here?” And the answer came so clearly, so powerfully that I couldn’t help myself – I stood up and declared it to the whole workshop (I was supposed to be quiet and just follow along).

I was shocked by how simple it was and by the fact that I’d known it all along.  

Since then I’ve worked with a Lot of spiritual entrepreneurs and I’ve realized that they too have all known their purpose, but that they didn’t thought they didn’t.  

So today I wanted to shed some light as to what is actually going on. My intention is to help you get clear on your purpose and really take that next step on your journey. 

You ready? 

If you’re struggling with this question, it’s because 1 of 3 things: 

1) You discount it like that can’t be it. 

So the other day I’m a in a healing session and my client said that his purpose is to help other people love themselves. He knew it all along, but it just didn’t trust yourself to really acknowledge it and because he was afraid of what it would mean if he actually did. 

If you want to remember your purpose, take the pressure off by releasing all obligations. Take out a journal, connect with your heart, and let yourself dream, “if I knew my purpose, it would be?” 

2) You don’t know “how”. 

The truth is that this is where 98% of people get hung up. 

It’s like you somehow thing that you can play only one note of a guitar when you in fact have the whole guitar and an infinite amount of ways to create melodies & music of your heart. 

The real culprit here is FEAR. 

It’s what keeps you procrastinating and event saying, “I can’t do that.” It’s sneaky too  because FEAR will hide behind emotional reasoning. 

Listen, you don’t have to quit your job. You don’t have to start a business. You don’t even have to become a healer or a coach. You could do your life’s work in a corporate job. You have the power to choose the “how” (that’s FREE will) and it will feel good to you. 

The secret here here to focus on the next step. 

If you were living with purpose today, what would you be doing? What would you be saying? Doing? 

Then go out and be that person today. You might be surprised what happens when you do. 

Knowing your finding purpose is just the first step, unleashing your potential is the tough part. ;) 

If you’re feeling inspired, I invite you to join me for my latest master class, ” 5-Steps To Finding Your Passion & Confidence So You Can Live With Passion & Create A LIFE You LOVE” if you haven’t already. 

Click the link to details and save your spot: 

==> http://nathalieguerin.com/webinar-register

Have a question about living your purpose? Hit reply and let me know. 

Tap into Infinite Potential

You have infinite potential and I see you expressing it in the world creating a life you love.

I see you living as a Goddess Rising in the world. Being connected to source. Expressing your truth. Owning your path. Acknowledging what you desire, asking for what you desire, taking action and receiving. And doing it all with love.

That’s what I see when I see you.

How are you when I tell you have infinite potential?

You’re probably hopeful, but is there a part of you that’s like really uncomfortable? You kidding me, right? Maybe you’re even resentful, angry or bitter.

I know exactly what’s that like because I used to feel that way.

When my friend Glenn told me, “I look into your eyes and see potential,” I wanted to argue with him (it wasn’t just him, but everyone who said something similar). Can’t you see I’m not living up to it and that I’m a failure? That I’m not good enough. Why can’t you see what I see?

Know what I mean?

You probably have a similar story. The story is just a story, but the real problem is that it will keep you stuck and stop you from making progress. It will also keep you from seeing solutions and from receiving what you truly desire from the Universe.

The secret here is to FEEL Your emotions so you can make room to express your truth.

I’ll be honest, taking a time out to feel your feeling isn’t much fun, but it is necessary if you want to express & get to live your potential.

I want to help you do that, so here’s a quick exercise so…

Here’s a quick exercise…

  1. Pick a situation where your feeling stuck and you want it be different.
  2. Write down everything you’re feeling about this situation and why you feel that way without judging them as good/bad. For instance, I feel angry about this because ABC.
  3. Give your feelings color and image it is surrounding you and send love to it until it dissipates. I always see a big giant purple egg (ß Yes I’m weird). If you have a hard time sending staying focused on sending love, you can also do the Ho’oponopono prayer. Focus on the energy and repeat, ” I forgive you. Thank you. I’m sorry. I love you.” Repeat until the energy shifts. Usually 3-4 times.
  4. Take 3-5 slow deep breaths and image unconditional love traveling into you from the Universe. This will replenish you and bring you a sense a peace
  5. Once you’re feeling better (don’t worry, you will), tell the Universe you’re open to receiving a different outcome and clarity on the next steps you should take. You might receive it instantly or it might come throughout the day. Pay attention to your nudges. You never know how the Universe is going to reach you with your request.

If you’re feeling stuck and want to create something in your life, don’t skip this. DO THIS!!!

If you can’t do it right this minute (I really don’t expect you too), put it in your calendar and come back to it. Hit reply and let me know when you’ll actually do it and what is the situation you’ll do it for.

Here’s to you Goddess Rising,