How to believe in yourself when you’ve lost confidence?

This week I decided to create a new episode of Tap Into the Universe and talk about the million dollar question…

How to believe in yourself when you’ve lost confidence?

If you’re a mission driven entrepreneur, you’re doing this work because there’s within you that just says this is your path. It’s not always easy, but you’re determined to make it work.

I am the same as you.

As a healer, I get to work with helping entrepreneurs find their confidence & voice so that they can have the impact that they came here to make, make more money all creating a life they love.

I believe that the answers are within you and are provided to you by infinite intelligence.

But you can’t access if you don’t believe anymore …

Do you still believe?

I’m not talking about hope hope or even logic. I know you know that you can eventually figure this out. I know you have some hope and you can logically see that it’s possible. I’m talking about what’s really in your heart? For me, this sounded like: Something is wrong with me, marketing never works. I’d stopped believing was possible and I’d stepped into entrepreneurial hell.

Know what I mean?  

So I’m going to tap into the energy of creation and see what it wants us to know. If you’re reading this, it’s because there’s something in this that you need to know.

The vision that I am shown is one of you in a whirl pool and the plug has been taking down at the bottom. You’re going with the current, but you have no control your actions.

What this means ..

The reason you’ve stopped believing in yourself is that you believe you no longer have any control. It’s all bigger than you and you can’t do anything about it.

The truth is that you are a CREATOR …

You have potential to create anything. You wouldn’t have a dream otherwise.

You’re trying to make the flow go the other way. STOP. As soon as you stop pushing against it, the water will stop and most likely drain out.

So here’s what you do now…


Just be. Stop trying to change things. Feel where you are and allow it to be without judgement.

It won’t take long before you can breathe again. As soon as you do, you will be receiving inspired action and you’ll start to flow again.

Sometimes this takes a few seconds and sometimes it takes a few days.

Your mantra for this week,

“It’s all good. It will all sort itself out. I don’t have to fight it. It just is.”

Practice it whenever you feel like everything is going haywire and you’ve stopped believing.

What this all means is this …

At the end of the day, believing in yourself is a choice. That is within your control. Trust that you will know how to it out. Trust that the Universe wants you to succeed.

To be clear here, I’m not telling that it’s easy. It’s a practice. TRUST is a choice. Most of the time, healing is required for you to this. You also need to work on your mindset.

That’s what I help my clients do.

It gets you in alignment so your actions can work. Without that alignment, no amount of business strategy & tactic will ever allow you to succeed at the level you’re capable of.

If you’re ready to stop feeling like you’re drowning and you’re ready to get back in the flow of receiving, join me for a break through call.

Click the following to apply ==>

Calls are extremely limited over the next few days, so if you want one, grab one.

Should you always trust your gut?

Don’t trust your gut …

I remember like it was yesterday…

For three days, I’d been inspired to update my webinar funnel and when I finally pushed PLAY on the Facebook ads, I was sure this was my path to SUCCESS. I had visions of clients & money rolling in. I was sure this was my way to a break through.

And then, something funny happened.

My gut started screaming, “THIS WILL NEVER WORK!!!! TURN OFF THE ADS!”

I believe in listening to my intuition, so boy was I confused about to do.

Was this just fear? Was it my ego driving it? Was it divine inspiration?

I lasted about three days before I caved and turned the whole thing off. It turned out it was just my EGO trying to keep me safe.

And that’s why you should never listen to your gut …

Well not until you’ve dropped into your heart and check where it’s coming from.

If the thought comes from your head and you’re sitting in stress, struggle, lack, anxiety, fear then this “gut” feeling is your EGO trying to keep you safe and you shouldn’t listen.

If the thought comes from your heart & inner being, it’s divine guidance and YOU should most definitely act on it.

I realize that it’s not always easy to know which is why, which is why I created a meditation called, “Go Up & Ask God,” as part of Unlock the Money Box.

I’m making it available for the next few days so that you too can learn to tap into YOUR intuition guidance and become the Goddess Rising you truly are.

Click here to have a listen …

You have all the answers within you, this will help you tap into that.

You’ve got this Goddess Rising