Why is growing my business taking so long?

Welcome to the first installment of Tap Into The Universe!

This week I picked a question that was asked several times in a Facebook thread I posted earlier this week.

Why is growing my business taking so long?

I really like this question because it’s on the mind of so many coaches, healers, entrepreneurs, and business owners.

When I asked your guides for guidance, they showed me …

A vision of you being five-years old skipping on rocks over water. The stones magically appear as you reach the end of your stones.

You’re having the time of your life and then, all of a sudden, you come to a sudden halt because new stones stop appearing.

Now you’re only option  is to go back & forth over the stones that you’ve already skipped on or jump into the water and get WET.

Along with the fear of getting wet and never being dry again, there’s a feeling of betrayal because the stones should have taken you to the other side.

After all, you were promised!

This vision is telling me that you’re business was once really fun, but that it’s stop being fun and that it’s been that way for a while.

And now you’re stuck because there’s resentment that you’re not there yet and because you’ve stopped receiving intuitive nudges (aka stones) from the Universe..

Is getting wet even the right next step?

Here’s what you do now:

1) Make peace with where you are.

Right now you’re in the wrong vibration because you’re frustrated and you’re stuck in the bitterness of the fact that things haven’t worked yet.

The good news is that the Law of Polarity says that you cannot have a desire unless it already exists out in the Universe.

The bad news is that you can’t see the way there because you’re stuck in the wrong vibration. That’s why you’ve stopped receiving intuitive nudges and why the path ahead is so unclear.

It doesn’t mean that the path isn’t there, it simply means that you can’t see them because your vibration keeps the blinders on.

So your first is to make peace where you are.

There are a number of ways to do this, but my personal favorite is to practice forgiveness by doing the ho’oponopono prayer.

Just everything you’re frustrated about it in your business and repeat, “I love you. I forgive you. I’m sorry. Thank you.”

2) Make room for opportunities

This step is really simple.

It’s simply releasing an obligation of making what you’ve already tried work for you and making room for new opportunities.

The truth is that what was right & fun for you in the past may be out of alignment with you today. That’s true even If it got you results.

Ask yourself…

  • What am I holding on to that’s no longer feeling good?
  • What would I like to change, but I don’t because I think it’s supposed to work?
  • If I could do anything, what might I do? Don’t stick with your business, go beyond that.

The best way to do this is journal for a few days and see what comes up.

Do not try to act on everything you get as it comes up.

Let it go for a few days. Often the act of acting on everything we get stops us from moving forward.

At the end of a few days, decide what you’re ready to release from your business because it feels right to do so – it doesn’t mean it won’t be scary.

Do it. Don’t even think about it.

Then take the list of things that you might like to do, and do the #1 thing that would be the most fun for you.

If you feel like taking a few days off, taking a trip, creating an offer that’s “different,” then do that.

It might not be rational, but the Universe is laying out the best stones for you to skip on. The sooner you skip on the next one, the sooner you get the next one.

Trust the Universe!

Finally your guides say this to you, “If you can’t see the opportunity, ask us for help and we’ll make sure you see them clearly.”

Now go jump into the water – you might just discover that getting wet is the most fun thing you’ve done in years!

Much love,

P.S. Have a question for the Universe? Submit it here.

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