The problem is …
No amount of action will work if your inner game is out of wack.
Sure, you might be able to ignore the pounding in your chest long enough to get visible, create a funnel, or even invite someone to work with you.
But then another week, a month will go buy, and you’ll still be struggling to get clients.
Here’s the thing …
Building a business is simple. You need an offer. You need to generate leads. You need to make offers. The more offers you make, the more money you make(#truthbomb).
As much as it sucks not having enough clients, it’s actually NOT the real problem.
The real problem is you’ve got limiting beliefs stopping you from believing in yourself and taking action.
- Am I good enough?
- What if I fail?
- What if they say no?
- What if they don’t get results?
Beliefs tell you what you can be, do, and have. They are the reason why no matter what you do, you can’t get ahead. They create what we call “money” blocks.
If you want to fix your inner game so you can start attracting clients now and with less struggle, I want to invite you to join me for a Client Accelerator Power Session.
A Client Accelerator Power Session is 45-minute intuitive reading & healing session designed to give you clarity, confidence, and the inspiration you need to attract clients & cash now.
Here’s how we do it:
* We start by resetting your energy + vibe. This will give you back your clarity & confidence.
*We look at your offers, lead generation, and sales abilities, and see what’s working and what’s not. we also connect with your soul clients.
*Finally you walk away with a “simple” action to implement.
Plus you’ll get an intuitive download from your spirit guides to keep up your momentum.
Normally it’s $250. But today, you can use coupon XMASSPECIAL to get 75% off at checkout.

If I told you what I just manifested using Nathalie’s techniques you wouldn’t believe me. You see I was told for years that I had to the power to manifest magical things, but I always felt too fearful to even try. I always feared having to tell the universe what I really wanted, not sure why but it was my pattern. Funny enough I ended up working as a supporter in the manifestation industry and just kept letting the art of manifesting pass me by.
That was until I met Nathalie and experienced her vibrational tune-up. I can’t even begin to describe how awesome she is. Nathalie is truly authentic, and gifted. Fast forward a few months and I just manifested the perfect vacation home for my sabbatical in just a matter of a few days. All because Nathalie taught me how to manifest in a way that made the universe listen.

When I met Nathalie I had no idea just how much she would rock my soul. Working with her made me a better business owner. She helped me upgrade my mindset and her honest approach led me to some of the deepest work I’ve ever encountered. She is now in my trusted circle of few, and she should be in yours too.

Investing in ongoing 1:1 with Nathalie was one of the best investments I have made in my life. She goes deeper faster than anyone I have ever met and blocks that have crippled me for years were unearthed, healed, and allowed me to move forward. I went from a constant state of anxiety to a deep calm and peace I went from having my dreams riddled with self doubt to feeling overwhelmingly confident about the inevitability of my every desire. Every call was a transformational experience. And In just four weeks, I shifted my mindset, changed up my game plan, healed important relationships, and quadrupled my business income. Invest in Nathalie. It will change your life.

I have to say I had a session with Nathalie Guerin today!
As a Mindset Coach myself I have done a lot of work on clearing blocks, forgiveness, and stepping into a new way of being, but oh how nice it is to be guided by someone else ha. It was really awesome to be the one being coached.
I realized that I still had some things I was holding on to, and I got emotional during our session. I had some new AHA moments, that brought wonderful things to life!
I believe that every coach needs a coach or mentor!
YOU REALLY can’t try to do it all alone! AMAZIN things happen when you free up energy that doesn’t serve you. It allows you to connect with your true way of being, and operate from who you truly are!
Thank you for a wonderful session!

Clarity, confidence, power, self-worth, inspiration, emotional release, reassurance, self-trust, unconditional love, hope for the future, vision for your life, forgiveness for yourself and others, a new way of seeing your relationships, freedom from fear.
Which of these do you need? Which of these don’t you need?
I found all of them for myself in every session with Nathalie during my 10-week Summon Your Power program.
I read the description and we did the clarity call, but there was no way for me to expect and understand the incredible life-changing impact that the program would have for me as a person. Some changes were immediate and dramatic, but the subtle overall impact of working with Nathalie is still working its way out in the daily difference of how I run my business, treat my partner, interact with my friends, and engage with the world at large.
This is truly core level, visceral work. But don’t be afraid, the work is necessary and the healer is gentle. I cannot recommend Summon Your Power highly enough.

When I got the notification about this course that Nathalie was doing, it was totally a no brainer! Anything that Nathalie does is like gold! I listened to the recording yesterday when it came out.
Today I set my intention to manifest $1000. So far I have manifested $508.39. I value the way Nathalie clearly lays out the foundation for manifesting, as well as the potential pitfalls. I’ve never worked with someone who so clearly knew exactly what I needed. I would love to make $1000 a day, but it brings with it a certain amount of fear. No worries, though because this course takes all of that into account and so much more.
I worked with Nathalie and it was a complete game changer. I’m not even sure she was aware of how much of a game changer it was for me! Some of the things I value about Nathalie include: She’s willing to ask the tough questions, she’s able to provide healing in a way that is directly related to my business, and she is absolutely divinely lead during our sessions. Prior to working with Nathalie I was timid and not sure of where to go in or with my business. Now I am very clear in what I need to do to make my dreams happen. You will want to check her out if you are ready to step into your dreams!

OMFG – if you don’t know what it is you want, hit Nathalie Guerin up for a booster…RIGHT NOW.
If you want mantras that resonate to your core?? Hit her right now!
If you want to boost your vibration so you’re pulling in the strength and power you need to attract the things you want, do NOT WAIT. Hit her up now.

I laughed. I cried. I had breakthroughs.
Nathalie’s Vibration Tune Up was EXACTLY what I needed when I was started to go into a slump. I had been high vibe for several months and began feeling a little tug downwards.
Nathalie hit the nail on the head on so many things. I was nodding ‘yes’ the entire time. Her warm and caring spirit shine through and make you feel supported and loved. I love all her tips and wisdom and will be going back for more when I need a little pick me up.
Thanks Nathalie!
About Nathalie Guerin
We help coaches, healers, experts, and course creators attract clients consistently by leveraging simple, proven funnels and Facebook (™) & Instagram ad strategies.
We meet you where you are and ensure you have all the right pieces to get the best ROI. From offer to funnel to sales, we leave no stones unturned.