First Step to Manifesting Financial Abundance


Do you want to create financial abundance in your life?

Who doesn’t?

How motivated are you to do whatever it takes to change your current circumstances and manifest financial abundance? Are you so motivated that you are willing to face your fears and get help? Are you willing to invest in yourself? Are you willing to leave your comfort zone? What are you willing to do?

The truth is that most people aren’t motivated enough to do what it takes (that’s normal because change is scary). For most us, we have to reach rock bottom before we are willing to do what it takes to really change our circumstances.

The good news is that you don’t have to hick rock bottom to increase your motivation and turn things around. 

Click play on the video below to learn how.

Now that you’ve watched the video, my challenge to you is this:

Take 10-20 minutes and up your motivation.

Will you take the challenge? Let me know in the comments below.

A Quick Tip to Raise Your Vibration



Want to raise your vibration and increase your ability to manifest?

Use words that make you feel good and avoid words that don’t.

The better you feel, the higher your vibration. The higher your vibration, the easier it is to manifest. Words with higher vibration make you feel good. Use words like joy, wealth, and love as much as possible.

Click play to learn 3 words to stop using and raise your vibration.

What did you think of this tip? Let me know in the comments below.




3 Easy Steps to Let Go of Oerfectionism and Start Manifesting



Do you get lost in perfectionism before you even start taking action?

Being a perfectionist is a wonderful quality to have SOME OF the time. It helps you cross all the Ts and dot all the Is. Perfectionism helps you do whatever it takes to give your clients the best possible results. You rock because of the hard work this trait brings out in you.

The rest of the time, being a perfectionist isn’t so great. You don’t get very much done and your awesome clients don’t get to experience you. Ultimately, splitting hairs means you don’t make as much money as you could, leaving you frustrated. Obsessing can be a big pain in the ass (I’m talking from experience here).

Sound familiar?

Click play and learn 3 easy steps to let go of perfectionism and start manifesting.



I promise one of these steps will make you laugh.



I flushed away $6,000 on a business coach

When we started working together, I thought she had all the answers. I thought she would help me setup my business foundation.

For me, that was the first step to a six-figure business. I built Get Projects You Love to help female project managers bring their careers to the next level. I had the website, a logo, a freebie, and a product. It was a logical niche because of my experience as a project manager.

Then I hit a wall. I was ready to start promoting, yet I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t FORCE myself to take action. The coach said it was because of my fears, but I knew better.

My new business didn’t feel right. There was no woo-woo in it. The truth was I hated every aspect of it.

So I did the unthinkable and I flushed it.

But it was far from a waste.

I started to follow my intuition. It was screaming at me to try weight-loss coaching, so I did. Within a week, I worked with three women. I took it as a sign and kept going. Six months later, I was working with regular clients. But something still felt off.

Even though I liked weight-loss coaching, I wasn’t in love with it. And then I really took a chance on me and let myself work with manifesting. I love everything about it. I didn’t know how it would come to life. All I knew was I had to try.

My business, which I adore, is now evolving at lightning speed.

Giving myself permission didn’t happen overnight. That was a process that started 10 years ago. At the time, I went looking for a better way to live. I was miserable. I took it one step at a time. Little by little, I owned my shit and cleared it.

I got myself out of depression. I left my corporate job. I went to coaching school. I wrote a book. I started accepting and exploring my spirituality. I started learning Theta Healing. I got serious about building a business that would not only help the world, but support me in the process. I started invested in training and coaching.

My dreams got bigger and better as I gave myself permission to go after them.

To this day, I continue to clear my blocks as I manifest my business. I come up against my shit every day. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have a business to speak of. Most likely, I’d still be wasting hours on Facebook. (Yes, that used to be me.)

So now I teach others how to manifest and help them clear their blocks – because the world is a better place when women are able to shine their light. I like to think of as a ripple effect. Small changes lead to massive changes for the better.

Want some help to clear your shit so you can manifest?

Join me for a clarity call and let’s talk about how we might work together. Click here to sign-up.


How do you get into the vortex?

Get your mind, body and spirit into alignment.

But what does alignment mean? How do you get there and, more importantly, how do you stay there?

Get all the answers on today’s video. Click play.

Now that you’ve seen the video, tell me what you learned in the comments below. Are you out of alignment or in?

Three Questions to Ask Yourself to Manifest More Easily


Are you struggling to manifest a successful business?

If so, you are definitely not alone.

It doesn’t have to be so hard. You can make it easier by asking yourself these three questions.

Question #1: Do you know what you desire?

All desires are wants, but not all wants are desires. A desire is a want that is driven by something inside of you (inside your heart). Anything that is not a true desire is a wish.

To answer this question, take out your list of what you want to manifest. If you don’t have one, make one. Once you have your list, go through each item one at a time and ask yourself if it’s a wish or a desire. For each item, ask yourself how much you really want it on a scale of 1.10. If it’s less than 7, it’s a wish.

My list used to include, “Pay off mortgage by October.” But that was a wish, not a true desire. On the scale of 1..10, I was a 1. It was just a wish and not a very strong one at that.

For the things that aren’t true desires, dig a little to find your inner motivation. Ask yourself why you want it. And why it’s important to you. Keep digging until you have your answer. When you find it, write it on your list. You may also discover you don’t want it, in which just cross it out or even replace it with something you do desire.

In my case, I crossed off paying off my mortgage by October and added “pay the mortgage on time.” This might sound weird, but I felt relieved as soon as I did it. I didn’t need the extra pressure.

Getting in touch with what you desire is more than just getting specific about what you want. It’s about reaching inside of yourself to get in touch with what motivates you to manifest. When you do that, taking action to manifest will get exponentially easier.

Question #2: Have you really decided to go after what you want?

If you aren’t 100 percent committed to manifesting what you desire, then you are going to struggle. The universe will keep you on the fence until you decide to get off.

How committed are you to growing your business?

What are you ready to commit 100 percent of your efforts to in order to manifest it? This doesn’t have to be all-encompassing or include your entire business. In fact, some of the easiest things to manifest are simple. So maybe right now you want to figure out who you want to work with and why.

When I started my business, I tried to commit to the whole thing. But honestly, all I wanted (my desire) was to start seeing clients. I was completely stuck until I started to focus on what I desired, rather than the big picture. That’s because the big picture was too scary for me to consider.

Commit to what you truly desire and your business will progress. Finishing this first step will lead to the next. Your desires will change along the way.

Question #3: Do you believe what you want is possible?

If you don’t believe what you want is possible, then you are setting up yourself for failure. You might as well not attempt to manifest at all.

I’m not saying to stop manifesting. I’m suggesting you work on believing and removing the doubt.

It might not be completely possible for you to believe, but you can fake it. Start by getting in touch with the feeling. If you can feel something, you can believe it. The more you feel something, the more you vibrate at the frequency of what you want. Then you become a magnet for it.

Try one of these methods to get in touch with the feelings.

Visualize: Close your eyes and see it in your mind’s eye. Feel what it’s like during and after. If you can’t visualize, what if you could? Can’t feel, what if you could? It’s a game.

Play the As-If Game: Live your life as if what you want is already yours. If you want to manifest abundance, start shopping in stores you think are only for the rich. If you want to be fully booked, start setting time aside for regular activities in your business, accounting, follow-ups, marketing. If you want to go on holiday, book time off in your calendar and start browsing the internet for vacation ideas.

If you struggle to believe, engage a coach to help you remove your blocks. It’s worth it. (That happens to be my speciality. Details here.)

If you’re struggling to manifest, make sure you tap into your desire and then commit to the process. Before you start, make sure you work on believing.