A Super Easy Tip to Start Creating an Abundant Mindset



Do you have an abundant mindset?

You cannot manifest abundance without one.

If you have a lack mindset, you will attract lack. If you have a just-enough mindset, you will attract just-enough. If you an abundance mindset, you will attract abundance.

Want to know how to change your mindset?

Click play on the video. You’ll learn a really easy tip to start changing your mindset now.



Now that you’ve watched the video, I want to know.

Did you find this tip useful? Will use us this tip? Tell me in the comments below.


How to End Inconsistent Manifesting Results



Do you ever feel confused by your ability to manifest? Sometimes you manifest and get exactly what you want and sometimes you get squat. You have no control over any of it.

Want to know how to get more consistent results out of manifesting?

Click play on the video to learn how.

Now that you’ve watched the video, I want to know:

  • Do you have a daily manifesting practice?
  • Will you implement one?
    What’s your best tip for getting better at manifesting?
  • Tell me in the comments below.

4 Ways to Deal With Doubt So You Can Manifest


Do you have a close friend called doubt sitting on your shoulders whispering in your ears?

Who do you think you are? Are you sure you can do it? Are you sure that’s the right way?

Doubt can be such an annoying little bugger.

Did you know that doubt doesn’t always affect your ability to manifest?

Click PLAY on the video to learn why.

You’ll also learn 4 easy ways to deal with doubt when it does impact your ability to manifest.

Now that you’ve watched the video, I want to know.

What’s your favorite way of dealing with doubt? Tell me in the comments below.

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Five Steps to Manifesting Extra Cash


What would you do with an extra $500 in your pocket?

What if you could manifest extra cash at will?

With practice, it’s possible.

Click PLAY on the video to learn how:

You’ll learn five steps that I use to manifest extra money when I need it. If I can do it, so can you.

It’s not enough to watch a video…

You have to practice.

Want more details about how to implement these steps? Sign-up for a webinar replay here.

As promised in the video, click here to access a meditation to ask and receive divine action.

Now I want to know…  will you play the game of manifesting and try these steps? 

Tell me in the comments.


How to Get Started With Manifesting?



Ever wonder how to get started with manifesting?

You are definitely not alone. It’s the number one question I get asked.

Keep reading to learn the answer.

Manifesting is the art of co-creating with the universe. You’ve been doing manifesting ever since you were conceived whether or not you were conscious of it. Every meal, every pair of shoes, and every toothbrush you have ever received has been a result of manifesting. Ditto for every experience you have ever had. Yes that includes your first kiss and your first heart break.

In other words, you are already a master manifestor.

So this question isn’t about how to get started with manifesting, it’s about how to get started with conscious manifesting.

How to get started with conscious manifesting?

The answer is to practice.

Just like going to the gym makes your muscle stronger, practicing conscious manifesting increases your ability to consciously manifest.

The more you practice, the easier it will be to manifest the “harder” things. On that note, manifesting a castle is no different than manifesting a small house. The belief that it is more difficult is just a story we tell ourselves. It’s not true. Yet we can only really get this through practice and experience.

To get started with conscious manifesting, manifest 10 things a day for 30 days. Here are 3 steps to take every single day to manifest 10 things a day.

Step 1: Start your day by listing 10 things you want to manifest.

The list should include things that are easy and within your control and some that are not.

It might look like something like this.

  1. FREE cup of coffee.
  2. A Hair-cut.
  3. A comfortable pair of shoes.
  4. A new client.
  5. A clean house.
  6. 10 more people on opt-in list.
  7. 2 clarity calls.
  8. A clear answer to a specific question.
  9. A conversation with a complete stranger.
  10. A hug.

Step 2: Take action

Ask yourself what actions you can take to do your part to manifest your list. Then go out and do it.

If there is nothing for you to do (or it’s outside of your control), then you have nothing but go about your day.

Extra tip: Put the list in a labelled, “The responsibility of the Universe”. Give the responsibility of your list to the universe.

Step 3: Keep an evidence log.

At the end of every day, list everything you manifested that day in an evidence log.

It might sound silly, but this very act teaches your brain that you are able and capable of manifesting consciously.

DO NOT KEEP TRACK OF WHAT DIDN’T WORK. It’s counter productive.

You’ve just leaned 3 easy steps to get started with manifesting. Every day, write a list of 10 things you want to manifest. Once you have it, go out and take action. And finally make sure to keep track of what has manifested in your reality.

I want to know… will you do it? Let me know in the comments below.


How to Let Go of Your Attachment to the Outcome?

If you aren’t manifesting what you desire (whether it’s money, clients, and/or love), I’m willing to bet that you are holding on to the outcome too tightly.

If you want to manifest what you desire, you must let go of your attachment to the outcome. Otherwise you will fall into feelings of frustration & despair. When this happens, your focus is not having rather than having. You are in the wrong vibration. When you feel this way, all you get is more of what you don’t want.

Yes it sucks. And that’s how the law of attraction works.

The only way to raise your vibration is to let go. It’s the only way to start manifesting again.

Want to know how to let go?

Click play on the video. You’ll learn 3 easy steps to let go of your attachment to the outcome.


Remember … letting go is an art.   Keep practicing.