How to Listen to Your Internal Compass AND Grow Your Business



Do you know how to use your internal compass to help you manifest with ease in your business? You are about to learn it. You can click on the video below or checkout the transcription below. Enjoy!


Hello and welcome everyone, welcome to today’s Blab.

Today we’re talking about how to use your internal compass to grow your business.   It’s one of my favorite topics and it really makes me feel inspired to talk about it because as business owners we have this intuition within us.

If we could just tap into it we would be able to grow our businesses exponentially. Not just from a money standpoint but from an impact standpoint we could really step into ourselves and do even more in the world. That is why I think we’re here and why we have our businesses in the first place.

So we’re gonna talk about what your internal compass is and about 4 signs are that you might not be hearing or listening to your internal compass. Then we’re gonna talk about what you can actually do to listen to your internal compass and how to practice that. Because at the end of the day manifesting, spiritual stuff, anything from a mindset perspective, it’s all a practice.

When I say ‘a practice’ it’s like yoga or meditation, you do it on a regular basis and when you fall off the horse you just want to come back on and keep doing it, and there’s no need to beat yourself up. It is a practice which means some days you’ll do really well and some days you won’t do so well. So go ahead and allow that practice to come into your life.

What the heck is your internal compass?

Alright, so you might be wondering, and this is the big question, what the heck is the internal compass? Where does that term even come from?   So internal compass really refers to our gut feeling, our intuition, our inner knowing. And you know what’s right for you ultimately if you can hear it, if there’s no noise around it.

The first time I heard the term, internal compass was from Wayne Dyer.   I was watching his movie The Shift and he was talking about it. The whole scene was pretty set up, but at the particular moment he was talking about it, the mom goes to the child “OK, lunch is ready, come and eat” and the child says “I’m not hungry.” She was about to tell him to come and eat, because it’s time to eat, but because she had been having this discussion about internal compass, she decided to let him play and come and eat when he was ready, and a few minutes later he was coming.

I thought that was really interesting because it goes down to the core of how do we learn throughout our lifetime, and how do we actually stop to feel our internal compass and do what everybody else wants?   Because that’s basically what it is.   We stop listening to it[compass], we stop trusting it and we don’t even hear it anymore and it really starts in childhood.

Our parents are like, you have to eat NOW because it’s lunch time or it’s dinner time, even when you’re not hungry. I like the idea of food, it’s a big part of my life, and how often do we eat because it will make everyone else happy or because we feel like we should instead of “am I actually hungry and will this make me feel good?” and what is my internal compass saying about that?

Food is very basic, but when it comes to your business you have this same sort of internal compass.   You know what feels good to you but you don’t always listen, because we’re trained not to. We’re trained to trust everyone else before we trust ourselves. So that is the problem. If you could bring yourself back into your alignment, to allowing who you are and walk into your light, which really means walk into your life, which means, how am I feeling, what feels really good to me, what am I inspired to do, and allowing yourself to do that regardless of what everybody else is doing or saying.

I’m not saying that’s good to ignore everybody else, and stop caring and not be considerate, being nice and all of that but it is a question of how can you be in your alignment when you’re not listening to your inner compass. You can’t. And you can’t run your business from that place.   When it comes to your business, how do I say this?

There’s so much white noise and conflicting information everywhere.   If you want to know how to grow, Heather’s saying “yes absolutely!”   If you want to know how to start growing your business, once person will tell you to start getting visible on Facebook and another will tell you to grow your email list. A big thing lately is funnels and as soon as you bring your attention to that.

You’re gonna find that people are telling you twenty different things.

So what do you do? You follow your internal compass. But for that you need to know how to check in with it and know what feels right for you.   “it’s easy to get brainwashed on Facebook.” Debbie says.

Absolutely! It’s easy to forget ourselves and to know what’s right, it’s not to saying that the information that you’re getting is wrong, it’s that we’re forgetting to integrate ourselves in the process.

We’re putting what feels really right to us aside to saying go to it, and that is the issue time and time again and I’ve done it with Facebook posts.   I was told you have to post five times a day in three different groups or you’re not going to get any clients. Which, you know what, that is a tactical strategy and it works for some people. The problem was that I got really tired, I got exhausted, and I couldn’t give anymore and I burned out.   So, at some point in time I had to say, “hey, what is right for me?”   I’m taking a step back so that I can lean into my business because that’s what’s feels right for me. That’s what being in compass and in alignment really means and you have to be able to listen to your compass.

If you don’t [listen to your compass], you’re going to get tired, stay afraid and you’re always going to be looking for that external validation.

Debbie says “that’s the strategy I did and it’s not easy for a creative person to do, it gets tedious.” Absolutely! And you know what Debbie, it works for a while and there’s balance, so you have to bring it back into what works for you, what doesn’t and how do you bring it forward?

For me the thing that I looked at was, one, I was burned out I couldn’t do it anymore. Then I asked myself, what are really successful people doing? Are they posting on Facebook five times a day? Absolutely not!

They’re selling things, they’re proposing solutions, they’re doing it differently- and I started to expand my horizons and go, what might fit really well for me? That is how to listen to your internal compass.

We’re gonna talk a little bit more about that as we go through the blab, and thank you so much for the comment Debbie that was really so nice. It’s not easy for anyone, I think it’s a recipe for burnout personally, for everyone, unless you’re like completely fresh and you have nothing else to do.

What are 4 signs?

Yesterday I only had 3, so today I added one just for you. So what are 4 signs that you’re not listening to your internal compass?

The first one [sign] is that you look to others for permission for everything, and to know what’s right.

So the reason I hired my coach last year was because I needed permission to go forward with I already knew. I already knew I needed to get more visible, I already knew that I needed to put out offers, that’s the very thing I could do with the knowing was to move forward.

We’re gonna actually do an exercise to help you with that in a little bit Debbie.   When I talk about giving yourself permission. I hired a coach because I couldn’t give myself permission and really when we’re doing that we’re not listening to our internal compass and really it may be fine some of the time to hire a coach to say “hey, Nathalie you can do this.”

But ultimately if you’re gonna have a successful business, you’re gonna have to listen to your intuition to say hey what is right for me? What fits and what doesn’t?

The other thing, when you keep asking other people, it’s great when they’re telling you what you already know, but what happens when they’re telling you not to do what you already know is right for you?   I’ve had that especially from family, they think I should go back to work, some of them, not all the time, but they’re continuously telling me are you going back to work? Are you going back to work? it’s a question of, when it doesn’t come back, what happens with that permission? It’s not there.

So you have to be able to give yourself permission to do what you want to do in your business and what feels right to you.   And that may not be dropping your job right away, it may not be selling $5,000 packages, it might just be that you’re inspired to do something and you’re gonna do it no matter what happens and you’re gonna trust the universe.

But you have to give yourself permission to be able to do that and nobody else is ever going to do that for you. Even if you’re hiring a coach to give you permission, at the end of the day you just had some weird logic in there to say “hey, I’m gonna get permission, I’m gonna hire that person to give me that permission.” It’s kind of like a twisted way of doing it and it comes back to trusting what your intuition is pulling you to do. And giving yourself permission to do that.   So what is the second sign that you’re not listening to your inner compass?

Your business doesn’t feel good or a part of it doesn’t.

It could be that your offers don’t feel good or your clients don’t feel good or your webinars don’t feel good. That’s generally a really good sign that something is off and your intuition is saying wait!!

Now there’s a danger here and I didn’t know if I wanted to talk about that because I didn’t want you to think that it’s all about feeling good. Business is gonna feel all sorts of stuff, you’re gonna have emotions all over the place.   What you can do however is say “hey internal compass, heart, what can I do to feel good about whatever it is I’m trying to create?” And you know what?

It’s gonna be very interesting because you’re gonna get different answers. It might be that you need to drop your offer, it might be that you need to work through your fears and hire a manifesting coach I’m just kidding, kinda.   But you could also say hey, I’m just gonna create another offer.

Your internal compass will tell you what to do if you just ask it.   A great place for this in our business is with pricing. We all have all sorts of packages and it’s really difficult to know what is the right price and what isn’t and everybody has an opinion like it should be $5 or it should be $500 ok well that’s a little extreme, or $1000. What is the right price? It has to feel good to you. So recently I went up to $500 a session because everyone was telling me I should have $500 sessions.

Well guess what, they don’t feel good to me and I stopped selling them.   That is what happens when you’re not listening to your internal compass.   Now my internal compass doesn’t say stop selling them at $500 it says clear your fears, clear your blocks and then start feeling worthy of receiving because then that is what I need to do to be comfortable with that.

For you it might say, “hey don’t do that, do $300 because that feels really good to you.” And I’m talking to you about the $500 and there’s a part of me that wants to say to you, you know what, I don’t think I’m ever gonna sell a session at $500, particularly because I think it’s crazy.   I don’t think there’s a lot of value in a session for an hour for $500. And so it has to be a clear process, and it is an evolution.

If you listen to your intuition, and if you ask for guidance and you’re able to listen to it and take action from there, then you’re going to sell.   You’re going to inspire, you’re gonna change the world. Debbie says “same for me. I was told to up my fees, my sales dropped off and my intuition said to drop my fees and serve more people.” That is absolutely wonderful.   If I were working with you as a client, and I do this with my clients, I would have you check for fears, I would have you check where you’re uncomfortable before you made that decision.

Because if you can clear where you’re uncomfortable you can really hear your internal compass. If your internal compass is telling you to drop the fees, then you have to ask yourself, are the fees worthy of you?   Because you don’t want to undercharge either. But if you can clear your fears, maybe using EFT tapping around it and your uncomfortableness around it, you’ll be able to make the right decision.

And that is what I do with my clients, it’s what I do with everyone.   Clear your emotions so you can make your right emotion. Sometimes your unconscious beliefs are saying to you, I must never charge X for a session for an hour, or I’m not worthy of it.   If we can change those beliefs it can give you clarity of what you do really want.

You’re compass already knows but sometimes your beliefs and your story around it is gonna be really hard and can stop you from making that decision for yourself as you move forward. Make sense everyone? So give me some hands if you like it.   So what is the third sign that you’re not listening to your internal compass?

The third sign that you’re not listening to your internal compass is that you’re doing things to please other people even though you know that it sucks for you.

You know that it doesn’t feel good to you.

I added this one today because yesterday I was doing this webinar and I was having so many technical issues and I was a little bit frazzled.   I don’t know if I was channeling like oh my god this is weird, and as I was doing it, someone decided to go in and unlock the seat and I approved it, even though I said I would rather wait until the  Q & A.

I dropped off what was really important to me and I allowed that to happen  even though my intuition said: this is weird. It’s a guy, what does he want? It’s a troll! Well it turned out to be a troll and he talked about things that were in appropriate during my webinar.   So I get to do this again today- woohoo.

If you’re doing thing to please other people and it’s pissing you off then you either have to release your obligation to them and choose if you really want to.   Because if you can choose, if you can say “hey, what does my compass say to me today?” and follow it regardless of what other people say then you’re gonna honor yourself.

Where is it in society that says we have to honor everyone else before we honor ourselves?   It’s weird, it’s screwed up, and sometimes it’s about releasing the beliefs around that.   So about a year ago, my mother moved and I was going to help her, and it was about 5 o’clock in the morning and I was in the shower and man was I pissed off.   I felt like, man is this gonna suck so I asked the universe, how can I have a better day?

And I heard, Nathalie, clear your obligation!   And I started to laugh because my choice was to feel obligated and I released that and all of a sudden my choice was to go help my mother. I actually wanted it, so my alignment and my compass started to become together and I started to feel really good.

And your compass will tell you what you need to do to start feeling good about what you want in your business and in your life. So you can ask for information and we’re gonna figure out how to do that in just a minute. Alright, so what is number four?

Four is when you’re asking for guidance and you’re not listening to it!

Maybe you’re going to psychics, maybe you’re going to do a meditation or maybe you ask before you go to bed and you get clarity during the night and you get the information back to you and it’s not exactly the information that you want so you ignore it.

So for the last few months in my business I’ve been asking for clarity, what I can actually do to grow my business and what would feel better to me, because a part of my business really didn’t feel good.   I was getting the intuition that I shouldn’t focus on my $5000 package and everyone was telling me I should focus on that so how the heck was I supposed to do that. And really I kinda like working with my 90 day clients so like, what’s the deal?

I also saw that I should focus on creating a new offer and I was like do I really want to do this offer? Man, I didn’t want to hear what the information was and for months I’ve been getting the same information over, and over, and over again, but I’ve been ignoring it.   I didn’t want to hear it and I was kind of pissed off because it wasn’t what I wanted, you know and so earlier this week, I had enough and I surrendered.   So I was like, I’m gonna have a healing session around it, so I called a friend of mine, and so we had a healing session and so what I discovered was my guidance wasn’t telling me to drop everything, it was telling me to re-focus on inspiration.

To be an inspiration to you and I thought “oh, that’s really nice.” And yeah, and the next step is to do this, and it’s interesting because I hadn’t wanted to take that next step, but every time I have taken that next step and listened to my guidance.   It happens to me when I’m like “OK, I can’t deal with this anymore show me the way and I’ll do it.” right?   I take the step and I stop resisting and I just do it, magical things happen.

If any of you know about this offer, I did it last August, I was really desperate, it was August 21st and I was like alright, I’m giving up. Tell me what I have to do to make some money in my business?   I was really quite stresses out about it. I was like, alright, what do I do?

And I was shown the vibrational tune up. I hadn’t had that inspiration before and I was like, oh nah, nah, and that day I was like OK what the heck, this is what I’m being shown to do, I’m gonna do it and by the end of the day I had made $600 which was $100 more than I had demanded from the universe.

I went on to sell fifty of these and it grew my business significantly for the next three months and everything went really well. That’s what happens when you ask for guidance, you get it, you receive it and if you’re allowing yourself to receive it then to act on it, you’re gonna be able to get yourself moving forward.   Often we say we don’t hear it so I’m going to give you a trick on that.

What do you hear? What do you notice about your guidance? What if you knew?   The reason I say that is a lot of people will say “Oh I don’t see anything in meditation or I don’t know what it’s meaning.” You know what, you’re always getting signs, if you think it’s a sign it’s a sign. The question you have to ask is what does it mean to you? If you can answer that question for yourself, you’re going to move yourself in tons of direction and do really well.

Alright, so you just learned the four signs that you may not be listening to your inner compass.

Maybe you were looking for other people to give you permission, maybe you’re doing this ns for other people even though it really doesn’t feel good for you, and perhaps a part of your business doesn’t feel good- that’s a great sign.   And of course you might be receiving information and you’re just not listening to it, and you’re saying errrr don’t act on it! Those are the four signs.

So how do you start listening to your INNER compass?

How do you start to move yourself forward into that place where you can really listen to your intuition and hear it?   Because if you can hear it, you can start to take action on it, and that is a practice.

If you’re going to imagine yourself you could use guided visualizations, you can do all of that but today I wanted to go a little bit outside of that norm and give you something else, because it’s not always about meditation, it’s not always about being guided through the process and sometimes you just want something really quick.

What you can do is take out a sheet of paper and you’re gonna decide on what it is that you want to ask questions about.   Maybe it’s that you want clarity on what your package should be or do you need to make more money in your business, get clear on what it is you want more of and what you need guidance on in your business at this moment. Then you’re going to formulate a question for the universe and the reason I say this is because it’s easy to get lost when you’re talking.

So what you can do is say, “I want to know how I can make more money?” but instead of saying how, you’ll say, “What might need to happen for me to make more money and be of service into my business and how can I help more people? What might need to happen to achieve my goals? “And even me I have a hard time saying, not using how.

So use an open ended question, because then the universe is gonna give you more information coming back and it’s gonna make it easier to have a conversation.It’s like if you were asking is it black or white? Well, the universe is gonna come back to you with black or white.

So instead of that you’re gonna go, “alright, what might need to happen to create the feeling that you want in your offer or in your Facebook post?   Whatever it is that you’re trying to do. And use an open ended question, and then what you’re gonna do is take out a sheet of paper like this one and you’re actually gonna wanna have a pen and paper handy when you do this exercise.

So what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna write with your dominant hand and for most people that’s the right hand and if you’re left handed you’re gonna want to do it with the other hand, and you’re gonna write out your question.   Take a few breathes before you do this so you can really connect, in & out, just connect with your heart and then write out a few questions with your right hand.

So compass or heart, what needs to happen in order for me to manifest more money in my business.

What needs to happen next?   And then you’re going to answer the question with your non dominant hand, so for most of you that’s your left hand. So you’re gonna answer and you’re gonna write out the answer. You’re gonna see that the answers come very naturally.   So some people when they write out, like me, I can’t see what I’m going to write, so I actually hear the answer and I write it out with my right hand, so I’m kinda cheating, so if you don’t have to cheat don’t cheat, you want to go with the left hand, you really want to allow that to come in.

So you’re gonna get an answer back that says “you need to stop focusing on selling your $5000 and focus on inspiration” ok so now what do I do? I can sit with that or I can ask another question. With my right hand, my dominant hand, I could say “what would that look like in my business, what do you suggest?”

And the left hand will answer that, and it might say “you need to do a monthly circle” which is the answer I’ve been getting. And then you’re like OK, I go that and then you go back and you ask, “What might be the best way to do that, and when do I put it out there?” You’re gonna get more information the more you ask.   So often what happens is we ask the question but then we forget to ask the second one or the third one. It’s the same when we go into a meditative state and we ask the universe for guidance, we’re not necessarily hear it or feel it or get an image, but we sometime get something and we forget to ask the next question.

You get to have the conversation with your spirit, with your soul, with your heart and your inner compass is all of that. It knows the path of least resistance, if you just ask the questions it will show you.

The next piece to that is, once you have it, you gotta trust it! If you can trust it, you can really take it to the next level.   You always have a choice; do you want to follow it or not? That is always up to you. We have the law of free will, so we can choose what we act on. My experience is what I get, if it’s clear and feels good to me, I’m gonna follow it.   I’m actually going to be practicing that in the month of March every single day. In my newsletter that’s going to be coming up, I’m going to be inviting you to join me on that, because it is a practice and it is a practice to trust and see, and it doesn’t always have to be huge things.   It can just be “hey, today I need to follow up with an old client or an old clarity call or it could be today I just need to go sit in the coffee shop and have a great conversation with the person next to me.”

Our intuition, our compass is always there and if we learn how to listen to it, we’re going to be able to grow our businesses exponentially and it’s gonna be way more fun.

Now I want to hear from you in the comments below.  

  • Do you believe you have a compass?
  • Are you hearing your compass?
  • What do you struggle with when it comes to your compass?

Love & light!

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