How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions and Energy



Are you easily overwhelmed or anxious in public? Or are you a sponge for other people’s emotions?

Both can cause you to feel too much and shut down energetically. When you do, you lower your vibration and then you stop manifesting.

But it’s easy to protect yourself. Check out this video for 3 tips on how to do just that.These are simple techniques and do not require you to imagine a bubble of light around you. (I’m not a fan.)




I want to hear from you.

What did you think of the tips?

What’s your best trick for releasing emotion that don’t belong to you?





How to keep your vibration up when the shit hits the fan?



What do you do when stuff doesn’t go according to plan?

Do you stress out and lose your shit? Curl into a fetal position and crawl under a table? Or do you stay calm and carry on?
When the shits hits the fan, your reaction determines how long it takes you to deal with it. Managing your reactions with ease and grace keeps you in a high vibration, which allows you to continue manifesting what you want.

When things go wrong, the #1 risk is you falling into the trap of focusing on problems, rather than solutions.

When that happens, you send out a message to the universe that you want more problems. Of course, the universe being the universe, it gives you more of what you asked for. In other words, it keeps you stuck.

It’s so easy to stay stuck. (It happens to everyone including me). That’s why I’m bringing you three tips to help you get out of the trap.

With practice, you’ll be able to avoid the trap all together.

Tip #1: Start Laughing

When something goes wrong, the best way to deal with it is to start laughing.

Laughter dissolves the energy and keeps your vibration high. And it keeps you focusing on solutions.

It doesn’t matter what you laugh at, just laugh. It can be a funny cat video on YouTube. (Personally, I love watching cats falling into bath tubs.)

Find a way to laugh at yourself. I’m a huge drama queen. I used to get stuck in despair all the time when things didn’t go according to plan. When I catch myself in this trap now, I roll my eyes and say, “I’m doing it again. That’s just so funny. Stop it.” It always puts a smile on my lips and I start laughing.

Laughter is the easiest way out of problems.

Try it.

Tip #2 Ask what-if?

The easiest way to get out of a low vibration and into a high one is to ask a what-if question.

When things aren’t going according to plan, ask yourself:

What if all of this was resolved? Wouldn’t it feel amazing?

My favorite question is, “What if I was an expert at sales? Wouldn’t it feel amazing?” Just saying it makes me feel better and gets me out of my negative mindset.

The what-if question works because it changes your perspective right away. This is the space you want to be in in order to solve problems.

Try it.

Tip #3 Stay calm and carry on

Whenever things aren’t going well, do not panic.

If you panic, you are telling the universe to keep sending you more reasons to panic.

Stay calm and carry on.

If you feel the panic rise, take a few deep breaths. Find laughter. Ask the what-if question.

Then take it one step at a time and remember you will figure this out and you will get through it.

Trust in yourself. You’ve got this.

You cannot always control how things unfold, but you can choose how you respond and therefore get through them.

When problems come up, find laughter. Ask a what-if question and raise your vibration. Finally, stay calm and carry on.

Now I want to hear from you.

What’s your #1 tip for getting through things when they don’t go according to plan?

Let me know in the comments.


Are you bitter about your business?

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Perhaps, the time, the effort and money you’ve invested have left you feeling resentful? Or maybe you’re frustrated that things are taking longer than you planned? Or you regret even starting your business in the first place?

That’s normal.

Most entrepreneurs (myself included) have been there at some point in time.

The question is what are you going to do about it? You have two choices: deal with it or don’t.

If you choose not to deal with it, the bitterness will fester and grow inside of you like poison. And that will send out a message to the Universe which attracts more bitterness and resentment. That means more struggles. That’s the Law of Attraction.

If you’ve been struggling for a while, there’s a good chance this bitterness and resentment is already playing havoc with your ability to manifest. Not dealing with it will actually keep you from making the impact on the world you came here to make.

Read more

How do change your money mindset when you don’t have a lot of money?

Do you constantly tell yourself you don’t have enough money? Or worry about how to pay your bills?

That kind of constant stress and negative thinking creates a poverty mindset. And the more you live in this mindset, the more of it you will attract. The truth is it’s impossible to attract abundance from a place of poverty.

You have to feel abundant before you can actually attract abundance.

So how do change your mindset when you don’t have a lot of money?

Thankfully, you don’ have to spend a lot of money to change your mindset. Here are three ways to change your money mindset without spending more.


#1 The Prosperity Game

I came across this exercise yesterday in the book Ask and it is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

You create a virtual savings account.

On the first day, you deposit $1,000 of pretend money. Then you got out and spend it all.

On the second day, you deposit $2,000. Then you go out and spend it all.

On the third, you deposit $3,000. Then – you guessed it – you go out and spend it all.

Keep doing this every day, increasing the deposit amount by $1,000, and spending it all.

You can do whatever you like with this money. Go online shopping. Figure out what things costs. Pay your bills.

Today, I spent $2,000 at my favorite store. I got a tent and some hiking boots and my very own personal trainer. Seriously, I would love someone to knock on my door at 7 a.m. every day, so I put $1250 toward that.

This exercise changes your mindset because you actually get to spend the money. It also gets you to dream and figure out what you want.

It helps attract more money into your experience.

#2 The Wallet Process

This is also a trick from Ask and it is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires, by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

To attract abundance, you need to feel abundant.

This exercise is particularly awesome if you always feel short of money. It will help you feel abundance.

Here’s how it works:

Put a $100 bill in your pocket. You aren’t going to spend it. Every time you see something you could buy, you instead tell yourself you could have it.

For example, if you walk past a restaurant where you want to have dinner, tell yourself you could have dinner there. If you see a dress you like, tell yourself you could have it.

One of the points Esther and Jerry make is this exercise removes doubt. You have a $100 in your pocket and you could do anything with it. It brings you in a place of feeling abundant.

After you put this bill in your pocket, go out and find all the ways you could spend it. Keep it in your wallet as long as you have your wallet.


#3 Morning Mantras

The key to attracting what you want is to get into the right vibration. You need to feel good and then you will attract what you want.

A great way to raise your vibration is to actually start the day with some positive mantras.

Here are a few to get you started:

  • I am a money magnet.
  • All my bills are paid and it feels awesome.
  • I have more money than I know what to do with.
  • I’m so irresistible in business that my clients love me.
  • My products help more and more people every day. My peeps love them.

Repeat these three times aloud in the morning. It feels awesome. You really do start to feel better. You can also do them when you feel like you need a pick me up.

Changing Your Money Mindset Doesn’t Require A Lot of Money

Play the prosperity game and spend virtual money (it’s really fun and challenging). You can start feeling like you have money by putting a $100 in your pocket. And can start your day with mantras.

These are easy to do and you don’t have to spend a dime to do them.

But you do need to do them if you want to change your mindset.

I used to fight these exercises. I used to read them and say “That’s nice.” I would do them once and then forget about them. Truth be told, that wasn’t enough. Now I do them every day. I start every morning with money mindset changes, which make a difference in my vibration and attract abundance faster than anything else.

Now go try them. Don’t forget to let me know how it goes.

How do change your mindset when you don’t have a lot of money?



Do you constantly tell yourself you don’t have enough money? Or worry about how to pay your bills?

That kind of constant stress and negative thinking creates a poverty mindset. And the more you live in this mindset, the more of it you will attract. The truth is it’s impossible to attract abundance from a place of poverty.

You have to feel abundant before you can actually attract abundance.

So how do change your mindset when you don’t have a lot of money?

Thankfully, you don’ have to spend a lot of money to change your mindset. Here are three ways to change your money mindset without spending more.

#1 The Prosperity Game

I came across this exercise yesterday in the book Ask and it is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

You create a virtual savings account.

On the first day, you deposit $1,000 of pretend money. Then you got out and spend it all.

On the second day, you deposit $2,000. Then you go out and spend it all.

On the third, you deposit $3,000. Then – you guessed it – you go out and spend it all.

Keep doing this every day, increasing the deposit amount by $1,000, and spending it all.

You can do whatever you like with this money. Go online shopping. Figure out what things costs. Pay your bills.

Today, I spent $2,000 at my favorite store. I got a tent and some hiking boots and my very own personal trainer. Seriously, I would love someone to knock on my door at 7 a.m. every day, so I put $1250 toward that.

This exercise changes your mindset because you actually get to spend the money. It also gets you to dream and figure out what you want.

It helps attract more money into your experience.

#2 The Wallet Process

This is also a trick from Ask and it is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires, by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

To attract abundance, you need to feel abundant.

This exercise is particularly awesome if you always feel short of money. It will help you feel abundance.

Here’s how it works:

Put a $100 bill in your pocket. You aren’t going to spend it. Every time you see something you could buy, you instead tell yourself you could have it.

For example, if you walk past a restaurant where you want to have dinner, tell yourself you could have dinner there. If you see a dress you like, tell yourself you could have it.

One of the points Esther and Jerry make is this exercise removes doubt. You have a $100 in your pocket and you could do anything with it. It brings you in a place of feeling abundant.

After you put this bill in your pocket, go out and find all the ways you could spend it. Keep it in your wallet as long as you have your wallet.

#3 Morning Mantras

The key to attracting what you want is to get into the right vibration. You need to feel good and then you will attract what you want.

A great way to raise your vibration is to actually start the day with some positive mantras.

Here are a few to get you started:

  • I am a money magnet.
  • All my bills are paid and it feels awesome.
  • I have more money than I know what to do with.
  • I’m so irresistible in business that my clients love me.
  • My products help more and more people every day. My peeps love them.

Repeat these three times aloud in the morning. It feels awesome. You really do start to feel better. You can also do them when you feel like you need a pick me up.

Changing Your Money Mindset Doesn’t Require A Lot of Money

Play the prosperity game and spend virtual money (it’s really fun and challenging). You can start feeling like you have money by putting a $100 in your pocket. And can start your day with mantras.

These are easy to do and you don’t have to spend a dime to do them.

But you do need to do them if you want to change your mindset.

I used to fight these exercises. I used to read them and say “That’s nice.” I would do them once and then forget about them. Truth be told, that wasn’t enough. Now I do them every day. I start every morning with money mindset changes, which make a difference in my vibration and attract abundance faster than anything else.

Now go try them. Don’t forget to let me know how it goes.

Top 7 Manifesting Problems and How to Avoid Them!



Why can’t I manifest what I want?

That’s the most popular question my clients and friends ask. And they usually sound a little desperate.

Their voices are covered in frustration. More often, they are stressed out and may believe their dreams are impossible to bring to reality.

Sound familiar?

You can manifest your dreams.

I know because the Law of Attraction says you can attract whatever you want and it applies to everyone. That means you can manifest your dreams, if you want too.

If you haven’t been able to manifest, it’s just that you haven’t figured out how yet.

The first step is to make sure you aren’t making one of the top 7 fundamental mistakes.

#1 Not knowing what you want

Not knowing what you want or having mixed feelings about what you desire makes it hard to manifest. You have to be clear and specific about what you want.

If you think you might want a relationship, but aren’t totally sure, the universe will keep you away from relationships.

To fix this, you must figure out what you want. Focus on what you desire right now.

If it’s only to go out and try coaching, then that’s what it is. The desire for a coaching business might come later.

Once you know what you desire, write it down. Be specific.

If you are too general, then it keeps you in that space of not wanting.

Wanting to be happy is an honorable wish, but it’s not specific. What does your life look like when you are happy? What will you do in your life when you are happy? It’s your birth right to get specific about what you want so you can manifest it.

#2 You are too focused on the not wanting

To attract what you want, you have to be a vibrational match for it.

If you focus on lack and wanting, you are creating a vibration of not having. That means you attract not having, more lack and want.

It’s much easier to write a list of what you don’t want.

Don’t want a guy who is married to someone else? Don’t want to have bills that are overdue? Don’t want to have no clients?

Then focus on what you do want. Get clear.

#3 You haven’t made a decision to go after what you want

This is pretty straightforward. If you haven’t given yourself permission to go after what you want, you won’t get it.

It’s one thing to desire it. It’s another to decide to make it happen.

Until you decide to make something happen, you are telling the universe you will accept otherwise.

The solution is to write it out. First, make the decision in your heart. If you are the type of person that is waiting for permission, I hereby grant you permission.

No one else can do this for you. The sooner you give yourself permission to go after what you desire, the sooner it can come into reality.

 #4 You don’t believe it’s possible

You have a dream, so you have a wish. You hope it’s possible.

Your job is to move beyond hope and into knowing. When you are in that space of knowing it is possible, your ability to manifest increases exponentially.

It doesn’t mean it’s always going to be easy, but it does mean you will be super resourceful. You will find a way.

The way to believe something is possible is to actually feel it. How? Get creative. Use visualization. Pretend. Play the as-if game. Play the fantasy game (check it out here). Figure out a way to feel and believe it is possible.

Another great way is to start with smaller chunks. I once worked on software project no one was sure would actually work (including me). I started with the chunks I knew. I focused on getting the pieces together. Eventually, I was able to believe in the whole solution. It took more than eight months and help from a consultant, but I did it.

Bottom line: If you don’t believe, start now.

#5 You haven’t taken enough action

There’s no easy way to say this. If you haven’t gotten what it is you want, you haven’t taken enough steps to make it happen.

Do you have to make everything happen? No. Your job is to take action and allow the universe to work with you.

If it’s not happening, you will probably need to do something. If you want to win the lottery, you have to buy a ticket. The universe will help you, but you have to do your part.

That action can be taking steps to do something. Sometimes it’s just about getting clear. Sometimes it’s about raising your vibration. Sometimes it’s about clearing your block.

If you don’t have what you want, your job is to go out and take action.

Every action will move you forward. Only when you take steps will the next show up.

#6 Your vibration is low

It boils down to this.

You must raise your vibration so you can attract more of the good stuff in your life. If you’re attracting what you don’t want, you’re keeping yourself at a low vibration.

Higher Vibrations = The More Awesome You Feel

To manifest more quickly, increase your vibration. Do something that makes you feel good.

That can be as simple as wearing pink underwear or as exciting as jumping out of an air plane. Focusing on what is working is another great way of doing this.

What makes you feel good? Go out and do it.

#7 Your blocks are in the way

If you are struggling to manifest, it’s because a part of you is blocking.

This can be fears, doubts or limiting beliefs.

Blocks can prevent you from attracting what you want and from taking action. If you encounter resistance, deal with the blocks ASAP.

The bad news is you have millions of fears, doubts and beliefs stopping you from manifesting. We all do. The good news is you don’t have to clear them all. You just have to clear your resistance.

There are lots of different ways to clear your blocks. When I work with clients, I use a combination of coaching and Theta Healing techniques. But you can do something about your blocks right now. Google EFT tapping.

Are you making one of the above mistakes?

If so, take some time to fix it and try again.

Remember, you haven’t come this far to drop everything. What you want is within your reach. Fix the problem and keep going. Eventually, the manifesting pieces will fall into place.